VTwin Expo by Easyriders
February 3-5th, 2007
Duke Energy Convention Center, Cincinnati, OH
We would like to welcome you to another V-Twin Expo!
My name is Joe Distefano from Pro Riders Marketing. We proudly represent the following vendors exhibiting this year:
- Forge – Tec Motorcycle Wheels – Booth# 270
- Kerr Leathers (Leather Apparel & Helmets) – Booth# 2440
- ACCEL Motorcycle Products – Booth# 913
- B’ Cool Products (Fenders & Rollers) – Booth# 377
- Maximum Metal Works (Frames & Rollers) – Booth# 2325
They are all literally the very best in their respective areas of expertise! Seasoned professionals that truly have their finger on the pulse of the industry and have the sincere desire to help make you successful!
I will personally be stationed at the Forge-Tec Motorcycle Wheel Booth# 270 and look forward to seeing you this weekend.
We are all here to help make you more profitable in 2007 and look forward to the opportunity! Designing programs that will address your specific needs is my job. Keep in mind that package deals between all vendors listed are definitely possible when speaking to me personally! We can make things happen!!
See you at the show!!!
Joe D.
email: proridersmarketing@sbcglobal.net
Cell Phone 319-389-0798
tag: V-Twin Expo\